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  • 🍍 Bill Marriott’s #1 job for hospitality leaders

🍍 Bill Marriott’s #1 job for hospitality leaders

Plus: The Egyptian "Toweligator"

Today we’re looking at:

  • What Bill Marriott kept telling his leaders

  • The Egyptian "Toweligator"

  • Reader discussion: Are minibars dead?

Bill Marriott’s number one job for hospitality leaders

Bill Marriott grew a family restaurant business into a global company with more than 6,700 properties and 700,000+ staff. 

There’s one thing he kept telling the leaders in his company. 

“Your number one job as a manager is to take care of your employees. If you take care of your employees, they take care of the customers. The happy customers will keep coming back and will tell others - and your business will naturally take care of itself.”

Terry Haney told me this when I interviewed him about how he runs San Francisco’s top-rated hotels. You can read that interview here if you’d like.

The Egyptian "Toweligator"

Redditors can’t get enough of the "Toweligator,” which an Egyptian hotel guest discovered upon returning to their room. Each day of their stay they found a new creature:

This doesn’t work for every hotel, every day but I love it as an example of adding surprise and delight into the stay.

Reader discussion: Are minibars dead?

Last week I shared examples of hotels doing creative things with their minibars. My post on LinkedIn sparked some discussion, with Max Starkov saying they’re dead:

Christoph HĂĽtter sees an opportunity:

What’s your opinion? Join the discussion here.